We loved running arts courses online during the pandemic and in person shortly afterward, but now that life has returned to normal, we are not providing them. Your search engine may have found this webpage via keywords.
We encourage you to search out other local groups and businesses who offer such courses.
In this class, you will be exploring how colours evoke different emotional reactions and how to use them to create depth in art. Learn the key principles of dramatic composition and how to engage your audience. Take your art to the next level! This course is for both intermediate and advanced artists.
Online – Intermediate/Advanced
Fall Schedule TBD 7:00pm – 8:00pm, 2022
Number of Classes: 6
Adult 18+
Fee $96.00
Adult registration is for one adult on one computer/device.
Week 1: Experiment with the emotional side of colour
Week 2: How to create depth with colour and an introduction to dynamic abstract break-up. Explore compositional elements and principles.
Week 3: Design a work using roughs to decide on colour and composition. Discussion regarding warm and cool colours.
Week 4: Draw down final image and begin final piece.
Week 6: Completion of artwork.
Week 5: Continue with final art.
Materials Required
pencil set, white eraser
acrylic paints – primary colours and white
assorted brushes
11″x14″ canvas
Materials are available at various local stores
Instructor Scot Paisley
Scot is a dynamic teacher who likes to adapt his classes to the participants’ ability and interest.
Online classes will be delivered via Zoom Meetings. The meeting link and password will be emailed the morning of the first class.
Please download the Zoom Application from https://zoom.us/
Please read CIAS Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy
Registration Here
If you are interested in this course, please let us know by emailing president@cochraneartsociety.com so that we can let you know when it is scheduled.